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Company culture

Company Mission & Purpose

Our mission is to disrupt capital markets. Our purpose is to democratize financial opportunity. We provide the world with the most efficient technology possible for the creation, trading and maintenance of financial assets. Our technology allows banks, asset managers and enterprises to create digital representations of real world assets at very low cost. In this effort we endeavor to be the industry standard, for building a fair, transparent and inclusive financial system that has no operational bias towards social status, monetary wealth or position of power.

Holistic Approach to Culture

Our corporate culture is built upon instilling values that both produce company success and individual growth. Working at Chintai means integrating our values to drive the business forwards, deepen your expertise and live a meaningful life overall. We encourage the members of their team to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work with you every step of the way to get the most out of this career opportunity.

We are the Culture

  1. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Everyone must enforce and reinforce our cultural principles together.

  2. Culture is our daily behaviors, interactions and habits. It’s not virtue signalling or platitudes.

  3. We are all a part of the cultural immune system. We conduct several interviews that emphasize cultural fit. Repeated offenses lead to termination.

Everyone knows the Mission, Purpose and Industry

  1. Everyone on the team knows the company mission (disrupt capital markets).

  2. Everyone on the team knows the purpose (democratize financial opportunity).

  3. We understand our business model and how we are different from our competitors.

We are a startup culture

  1. We are conscious of our limited resources. Efficient use of time, frugality and client centrism are at the heart of our daily efforts to achieve success.

  2. We are aware of the limited employees we have to achieve our goals and plan holidays in collaboration with the team to ensure coverage to minimize disruption.

  3. There are times when we will activate a hustle culture to achieve our goals. We do not glorify hustle culture and strive to maintain a culture of healthy work life balance, but when existentially or critically challenged, we will work more than the standard 40 hour work week.

We are a Client-centric Culture

  1. We work from the clients needs and move back to the technology.

  2. We focus on our clients and try not to get distracted by our competitors.

  3. We help everyone understand the client, but also expect proactive steps taken by everyone to educate themselves about the people we serve.

We are a Security Culture

  1. We take seriously and equally adopt security practices to ensure optimal protection from cybersecurity threats.

  2. We continuously reflect on and monitor our security practices to ensure we do not put the company and clients information at risk.

  3. When in doubt we consult with our Chief Information and Security Officer or other employees with senior experience in the area.

We are a Compliance Culture

  1. As a licensed company we all understand our duties as individuals to adhere to compliance and the code of conduct.

  2. We integrate compliance into our plans, whether it be marketing or technology.

  3. When in doubt, we consult with our Chief Compliance Officer or other employees that have senior experience in the area.

We are a Product & Delivery Focused Culture

  1. Everyone is expected to use and understand the current state of the product. A staging environment is always made available.

  2. The product manager informs the entire team immediately when timelines are adjusted via email and in slack.

  3. The product manager informs the team of updated features as they go live in the staging or live environment.

Standards of Practice

  1. Follow up - we respond to emails within two working days and aspire to respond faster when possible. Indicate when you have received a message when no action is needed. If an action is needed and takes a longer time, inform the requesting party of the time that will be needed and delivery on that date.

  2. During remote group meetings you are expected to be on camera. Use common sense when choosing not to be on camera. “Cake Rule”.

  3. If you need to miss a group meeting you need to indicate you will not be attending on Google Calendar.

  4. Set an agenda before the meeting in email or Google Calendar.

  5. Follow up with external providers - you are expected to promptly follow up with external providers if information is expected from you. Summarizing meetings is also good practice.

We Succeed Together

  1. Mentorship and career enhancement is built into the company fabric.

  2. We celebrate our successes both small and large.

  3. We focus on the task at hand with undivided attention.


  1. We are punctual.

  2. We come prepared for work and meetings.

  3. We follow up internally and externally.


  1. We immediately speak directly to people where the problem resides. If a problem exists and you feel you cannot speak directly, go to your manager or Ryan.

  2. We value different perspectives. We encourage everyone to challenge our assumptions, practices, ideas and conclusions.

  3. We invite 360 degree constructive criticism. Anyone can speak up at any time to challenge our decision, ideas or behavior that contradicts our values. We question chronic agreement.


  1. We are accountable to deadlines and our actions. Everyone self reflects and admits when they are wrong. Everyone is expected to explain missed deadlines or execution of responsibilities.

  2. We collectively identify weaknesses.

  3. We are realistic about timelines.

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