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Account and Security

How can I protect my Chintai account?

There are many ways to protect your account. Please read more here: Account security

How can I protect myself from fraud?

Fraud happens for various reasons and we have documented various ways to address this issue. Please read more here: Enhanced security measures and Scam awareness and response

How can I protect my email?

Your email can be protected through various methods. Please read more here: Email security

How can I make sure my internet connection and device are protected?

To read more about internet and device protection, please read the following:
Internet protection

Device security

How can I recover my TOTP?

Please contact and include your current email address in your request

How can I recover my lost password?

To recover your password, please go to the password recovery link through the ‘Forgot Password’ button on the sign up page

What should I do if I suspect my account has been hacked?

Please contact and include your current email address in your request

How do I enable two-factor authentication (2FA)?

You will receive an activation link in an email sent to your account when you sign up.

Can I change my registered email address?

To change your email address, please send a request with your current email address and a new email address to

How can I change or update my address if I have moved homes?

To change your residential address, please send a request to

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